onsdag 25 februari 2015

Exam day

The last week of our teacher training is coming to an end, absolutely insane that we only have three days left! Feel like we just arrived, and I am definitely not ready to leave yet.

Today we have our exams, and on Saturday evening we have our graduation ceremony. So by this time in three days I will be a certified yoga teacher. CRAZY.

This morning we had our practical exam where we demonstrated some different pranayama (breathing techniques) and we also had to recite one mantra each. It wasn't very serious, and pretty easy. Written exam in an hour, so just in my room trying to cram in the last bits of Sanskrit. Such a difficult language, the words are just not relatable to any language. 

But apparently the exam is pretty easy, we only have to write a few lines on each question and we have been given the questions we need to know. So I'm feeling ok about it. Tomorrow we have a 5 min oral presentation each, on a topic we can choose from a list. And then we're all done. So little time left.

I'm glad I have a few more days here after, getting the train to Agra on Wednesday morning to meet up with Malin again and see taj mahal before we head to Nepal.

Hopefully I can try some other yoga and meditation classes next week, and I really want to go to our Hatha teachers other classes that he has outside our school.

We are also doing a lot more teaching ourselves now, I really enjoy teaching even though I feel like I still have sooo much to learn. But I guess that will never change! We will always be students. Got good feedback from teachers and the people in the group I taught, so I'm happy about that!

Should get back to some last minute studying now, next time I update I will hopefully be certified!!

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